Earth Day Birth Day

Every Day is Earth Day!

The Happy Wayfarer
2 min readApr 23, 2022

Every Day is Earth Day.

My dad has a saying when you wish him “Happy Father’s Day.” He always responds, “Every day is Father’s Day.”

Today I’m reflecting on the fact that “Every Day is Earth Day.”

I missed celebrating Earth Day, yesterday April 22, this year and this morning I’m feeling a bit sad that I missed it.

I’ve celebrated Earth Day in many ways and many places over the years and looking back upon them I’m feeling nostolgic and a bit sad that so few people seem to observe Earth Day in any meaningful way any more.

The Early Days of Earth Day

I have memories of Earth Day parades, Earth Day picnics and Earth Day hikes, Earth Day camping and Earth Day kayak trips but one of my best Earth Day memories was when I was a chef at Yosemite National Park.

There were three hotels in Yosemite, one of which I was the chef at. We got organic produce year around from a farmer in Fresno. We’d load up on whatever he had for Earth Day and myself and another chef would create as many organic dishes as we could to serve the public.

Yosemite celebrated Earth Day on the plaza in Yosemite Valley and the weather was always beautiful for it. We set up a display with the products we used from the organic farm and many other organic ingredients we had on hand in our restaurant kitchens.

Being in the setting of Yosemite Valley in the sunshine, delighting and educating visitors with our organic foods and recipes was the most amazing way to celebrate the gifts of mother earth!

How Can We Not Celebrate Earth Day Every Day?

I simply can’t comprehend how human beings cannot be appreciative of Earth and it’s gifts every single day. Pretty much everything we have and everything we are is due to gifts from the Earth! We need to get Back to the Earth!

Some day We’ll All Celebrate the Earth every time we awake and get the chance to Live another Day on this Earth.

So, don’t forget to remember….. EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY!

~ The Happy Wayfarer

