Question of the Day

The Happy Wayfarer
1 min readNov 19, 2021

November 18, 2021

What’s your “thing”?

Everyone has their “thing”, their idiosynchrony, their weirdness that makes them stand out. Sometimes it’s drop-dead looks but, more often than not, it’s a part of their personality they don’t want others to see. It’s a part of them that they don’t take to parties.

Your thing can be a sizable chunk of your personality but, it can also be fully hidden from your conscious self. You’ve somehow avoided knowing it was there even though it shapes your decisions and acions/reactions to life in many ways.

It’s Exactly as Bad as You Think

We grow up learning to conform. We’re taught not to stand out, not rock the boat, not march to the tune of our inner drummer so we hide our thing.

Here’s the one thing about your thing, it can be your greatest weakness or your greatest super-power. Your choice. It’s exactly as bad or good as you think and believe it is.

We’re all Mysteries to Ourselves

Would you believe me if I told you that there are vast expanses of ourselves we’ve never visited, known or explored? Maybe you’ll believe me when you discover your thing.

In any case, keep on keeping on. The Universe inside us is just as vast as the Universe outside us.

~ The Happy Wayfarer

