Space, the Final Frontier

Or is it?

The Happy Wayfarer
2 min readSep 20, 2023

Space, the final frontier…

Back in the day when the internet was new and dial-up was all we had, websites took sometimes several minutes to load and there were almost no websites on the internet. There was however, the Astronomy Picture of the Day website.

Myself and my kids were endlessly fascinated by the pictures of space taken by the Hubble telescope and the vast amount of information about space available in every “Picture of the Day” post on the website.

The Sombrero Galaxy

There was really no “Web Surfing” back then because there wasn’t much web to surf but, the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day was a whole web unto itself which you could surf for hours following live links on every post to information about the Cosmos that seemed as vast as the Cosmos itself!

I’ve always considered the Hubble Telescope and the Astronomy Picture of the Day website as one of the very best uses of my tax dollars. And now, we’re going to have the James Webb Space Telescope!!

The James Webb Space Telescope was launched on Christmas Day and, IMO, earthlings couldn’t have gotten a better Christmas Present.

My personal space odyssey began in 1969 when I watched Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins blast off, land and walk on the moon. It then blasted off again in 1980 with Carl Sagan’s Cosmos TV show on PBS.

I’m so blessed to have the perspective of living through these “great leaps for mankind”. The James Webb Telescope will go down in history as a milestone in man’s exploration of the Cosmos.

Check out some of the awesome James Webb Photos and imagine what it would be like out exploring Space!

~ The Happy Wayfarer

